The Southernmost City in the World, Ushuaia

If you’re thinking of voyaging to the 7th continent, you’re likely starting from Ushuaia, Argentina. Pronounced oo-swahyuh, this resort town is so far south, it is the shortest distance between civilization and the Antarctic Peninsula.

On the trail to Laguna Esmeralda, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia, Feb 2019

Not your ordinary layover town

You may be tempted to pass through Ushuaia as you set off on your voyage to the White Continent, but don’t make this common mistake. If you like vast landscapes surrounded by glacier-capped mountains, hiking alongside streams of glacier water, and ski resort town vibes, you will want to spend a few extra days here.

I flew to Ushuaia from Buenos Aires the day before my scheduled departure to Antarctica and stayed at a hostel downtown for one night. To my surprise, not everyone there was heading to Antarctica. Most were actually road tripping through Patagonia.

There’s plenty to do in Ushuaia, including taking a train ride through the national park, dry suit scuba diving with seals, and fishing trips, to name a few. But in the spirit of authenticity I can only recommend the ones that I was actually able to do on my trip.

Here are some of the places and activities I can recommend:

1. Hiking in Tierra del Fuego National Park

Tierra del Fuego National Park covers somewhere around 243 square miles. It’s vast. There are plenty of hiking trails, glaciers, and turquoise blue lagoons. One of the most popular hikes is the trail to Laguna Esmeralda; a 6-mile (out and back) moderate hike that leads to a large lagoon known for its vibrant turquoise blue water.

Laguna Esmeralda, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia, Feb 2019

There will be mud, plenty of mud. Even if it hasn’t rained that day, trust me when I say it will be muddy. It rains a lot in Ushuaia and this trail can remain moist days after precipitation. It’s a relatively flat and moderate hike. But I would strongly recommend good hiking shoes and hiking poles to keep you sturdy and moving quickly through uneven, muddy terrain. I think the best advice I can give is to embrace the muddy mess and enjoy the hike. It’s a beautiful trail through a forest surrounded by glacier-capped mountains.

Muddy trail to Laguna Esmeralda, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia, Feb 2019

Another trail I highly recommend is Martial Glacier. Another moderate hike and definitely shorter than Laguna Esmeralda at 3.9 miles out and back. But this one is a steady uphill slope with very few flat parts. This trail takes you very close to the foot of Martial Glacier.

On the trail to Martial Glacier, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia, Feb 2019

For me, the highlight of this trail was the panoramic view of the Beagle Channel. The hues of blue and gray looked like an oil on canvas painting as we watched cruise ships leaving port and sailing out on the Beagle Channel.

View of the Beagle Channel from the trail to Martial Glacier, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia Feb 2019

2. Drive around to Tierra del Fuego view points

If you manage to get a rental car, you can easily drive around the national park to specific viewpoints. After we returned from Antarctica, I’ve made a few friends who were also staying in the area. For those next few days, we went on hikes and drove around the national park to accessible view points. Our first stop, the Mirador Bahia Lapataia at the end of Ruta 3 (Route 3). We also drove to the trailheads of the hikes mentioned above.

at Mirador Bahia Lapataia, Tierra del Fuego National Park, Ushuaia, Feb 2019

3. Hang out on Avenida San Martin

In the afternoons, I enjoyed passing the time people watching, surfing the internet, and drinking a submarino in a cafe. A submarino is a chocolate drink you’ll commonly find in Argentina served as hot milk with a bar of dark chocolate to melt in your hot milk. Ushuaia has amazing local seafood. And some of the best restaurants are peppered all over Avenida San Martin. If you like lobsters, I highly recommend Casa de los Mariscos.

The End of the World

If you’re coming to Ushuaia to try your luck at a last-minute deal or maybe you already have a confirmed ticket, either way I would highly recommend spending a few extra days in Ushuaia. I felt extremely lucky to have just experienced Antarctica with the most ideal weather anyone could have hoped for and to top it all off, I discovered picturesque hikes and new friends when I returned to Ushuaia.