Camping in the time of COVID-19

After ten weeks of stay-at-home order, we’re all itching to get outside. And while I usually prefer getaways far far away, these days even going outside state lines can be controversial. As the weather gets warmer and people look for opportunities to go outside, I want to share my experience with camping during COVID-19. And why camping will be my getaway of choice this summer.

Enjoying wine and good company

Reasons why camping should be your getaway of choice this summer too:

1. Socially Distant

MIT Technology Review wrote a great article about negotiating a covid “bubble” with a small circle of friends or family. That way, you grow your social circle (which has been essential for my mental health) but still control physical interactions to a small group. My covid bubble is my family: my parents and sisters who live in Delaware and my brother and his housemate/best friend who live in Virginia.

My COVID Bubble

Camping during COVID-19 allows us to explore and enjoy the outdoors, yet keep our distance with others outside of our “covid bubble”.

2. Inexpensive & Sustainable

I won’t deny that camping gear can be expensive. But once you make the initial investment in a good tent, sleeping bag, etc., the act of going camping itself is quite inexpensive. Between the five of us, we spent $50 for the camping spot plus firewood and $50 on groceries. Groceries which included Beyond Burgers, ingredients for s’mores (of course), eggs and toast for breakfast, and of course, wine.

Beyond Burger grilled on the Fire Pit
Sipping wine from my camping wine glass

3. An opportunity to unplug

Most importantly, if you’re like me, you’ve been working from home for over ten weeks. And while I get my weekly dose of outdoors from my weekend jogs, I’ve been craving the disconnect that sleeping outside brings.

If you’ve been working from home or not working at all for these past few weeks, everyday might start to feel like groundhog’s day. And the amount of time we spend in front of our computers, phones, and TV’s have skyrocketed. And what better way to reset our daily routines, than to eat and sleep outdoors.

My sister and our pup, Chico
Sunny side up eggs cooked on my MSR Windburner Stove System
